Sequester Diary: Day 414:35 Radiohead — Daydreaming The Seven Good Years: A Memoir by Etgar KeretApr 13, 2021Apr 13, 2021
The Biggest Little Farm“To see a world in a grain of sand and a heaven in a wild flower. Hold infinity in the palm of your hand and eternity in an hour.”Oct 14, 2020Oct 14, 2020
The End of the TourThere are few moments in your short life that are gonna make you feel that you’ve just taken a good look of the backstage and an epiphany…Oct 9, 2020Oct 9, 2020
და ჩვენ ვიცეკვეთ And Then We Danced《然後我們跳了舞》 讓人心動與心碎的元素都有了, 簡簡單單,回甘不膩的青春故事。 跳過這部片兩三次了吧, 卻在某一個無人打擾的下午一次看完,連尿急都無法打斷。看完後心情十分柔軟,好久沒看到這麼脫俗的青春小品電影。也是我第一部喬治亞電影。…Oct 9, 2020Oct 9, 2020
華氏451度「你也是做自己該做的。把事情鬧到全國皆知,或許會有很好的效果。但是我們的方法比較簡單,而且我們認為,也比較適當。我們只想保留我們認為仍會需要的知識,完整無缺且安全無虞。我們不想煽動或激怒任何人,畢竟萬一我們被消滅了,知識亦將隨之死去,也許永遠消失了。就我們獨特的說法來形容,我們可…Oct 9, 2020Oct 9, 2020